Felix is a Rich Man’s Toy

Hi Readers, Here are the Felix strips from 19320731 to 19320813. Felix is really passed around from rich family to rich family in these dailies. The 8-1, with a rare use of Felix’s trade-mark pacing walk (“I simply GOTTA WALK when I’m upset” declares the pedestrian puss) has Snobbs the butler tying a small whisk broom to Felix’s tale so that he cleans up his tracks as he paces. I also like the graphic gag in the 8-4, as Felix attaches a spigot to a painting of a ship at sea in order to get a drink. The rich couple give Felix away as a Bridge prize in the 8-9 to Mr. Billington Boo. Mr. Boo is convinced that black cats are bad luck, and shows complete contempt for Felix as a new house pet. Felix is tossed out of the Boos’ house in the rain, and then stuffed in a valise to accompany the Boos on a camping trip. Mrs. Boo suggests that Mr. Boo drill some holes in the valise, or “the cat will smother”. Felix gets no love from any of these aristocratic families. In the Sundays, Felix has his troubles with summer Boarders on the farm in the Sunday pages. He throws mosquitos on a sleeping boarder in the 7-31, then can’t sleep as the boarder keeps coming back to the guest room for fishing supplies in the 8-7. Enjoy these 1932 Felix strips, Folks, they have not been reprinted before. See you next time, Mark.

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